Probate Services

A Probate Service to Suit You

We help as much (or as little) as you require. It is possible for a friend or relative to obtain probate, though some find it harder than expected as it can be emotional dealing with a loved one’s estate. We are ready to support you if you need a probate specialist, for example where:

  • the estate is over the inheritance tax threshold, and earning an income where there are taxes due.
  • the deceased died without a Will, and it’s a complicated estate to administer.
  • there are doubts about the validity of the Will.
  • there are dependants who were left out of the Will but who may make a claim on the estate
  • the estate has complex arrangements, such as assets held in a trust.

A challenge which you may face in addition to applying for probate is to determine your loved one’s financial position. Our tax team works alongside the probate solicitors to help you get matters right and thus avoid problems with HMRC. Where our tax team have been dealing with your annual income tax returns during your lifetime, we will have a head-start in collecting the initial information needed and in finalising the tax to the date of death without needing to liaise with an external accountant.

View our Probate Services pricing information.

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You can also get in touch by email on or call on 01223 417200 and ask for a member of the Personal Wealth Team.

Barr Ellison Law Leading Legal 500 Firm 2024Barr Ellison LLP joins the ranking due to the strength of its personal wealth practice, which acts for world-renowned academics, high-net-worth individuals and business owners, as well as advising Cambridge colleges on private client matters. The firm is ‘extremely efficient and quick to deal with the work'.
Legal 500 Guide

The personal wealth practice at Barr Ellison LLP guides clients ‘through all the complexities of probate and existing trusts in a way that is efficient, sympathetic, and speedy‘. The firm handles a large volume of private client work for academics and, through its office in Addenbrookes Hospital, doctors and consultants.
2023 Legal 500 Guide

Barr Ellison has a “family feel” about its practice. It is very professional but at the same time is committed to tailoring its services for the needs of the individual client. Each matter is treated with the same respect and attention to detail. The last twelve months have been a test for everyone and Barr Ellison have still been able to deliver their product effectively to their clients.
2022 Legal 500 Guide testimonial

There is a real team ethos within Barr Ellison and this operates in a seamless manner for both clients and professional connections. There is a great depth of expertise that is nonetheless expressed in engaging and client-friendly terms, giving great confidence that objectives and priorities are completely understood, so that thorough advice across a wide variety of matters is effectively provided.
2022 Legal 500 Guide testimonial